3 Ways Your Windows Could Be Heating Up Your Home

Can’t seem to cool down inside, even with the AC blasting? Your windows could be at fault. Ineffective windows can cost you hundreds—even thousands—of extra dollars a year due to their poor energy efficiency, racking up your utility bills. While new replacement windows may cost more money upfront, they have the potential to save you money down the road and improve the comfort of your home year-round. This is something to consider if your windows are causing you problems.
In this article, we’ll discuss three ways your windows could be heating up your home and what you can do about it.
Reason #1: Air Leakage Through Gaps
According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat always moves from objects of higher temperature towards areas of lower temperatures unless interfered with somehow1. So, if your windows have cracks or small areas where air gets through, your home is likely heating up from the hot air outside.
Try to identify if there is any unwanted airflow from your windows while they’re closed. If so, you may be able to mitigate this by applying new caulking around the frame of your windows if the area allows it. If the issue is coming from a crack in the glass, you will need to consider glass replacement, which is also discussed in the next point.
Reason #2: Insulated Glass Seal Failure
Inspect the glass of your windows. Condensation between your insulated glass panels is one of the biggest indicators of a failed window seal. This means the gas keeping your windows resistant to transferring thermal energy from the outside has escaped. If so, your windows are no longer effective at maintaining a comfortable temperature inside. This can affect your home in summer by bringing in excess heat and in the winter by bringing in cold air.
If this is the case, check your window manufacturer’s warranty. Depending on the age of your windows, you may qualify for a replacement at little or no cost. Otherwise, you may need to replace the glass itself on your own or replace the window entirely.
If you are set on replacing your windows, ask your window company about Low-E glass as an extra step to improve your home’s comfort.
Reason #3: Your Window Frames Are A Conductive Material
Aluminum windows are conductive, which are more easily affected by outside temperatures. Thus, if you have aluminum windows, there’s a big chance that heat radiates into your home from outside. This is true for cooler temperatures as well. If your windows are made from a conductive material, they work against your home’s energy efficiency.
Of course, the only effective solution to this problem is replacing your windows completely with a better-insulated frame material like vinyl.
Replacement Windows Are The Optimal Solution To Excess Heat Coming Into Your Home
Please know that any modifications you make to your home windows may void the warranty from the manufacturer, so carefully consider your options before making changes.
At Earthwise Windows, we highly recommend replacement windows for energy efficiency issues. Our insulated vinyl windows are highly effective at keeping your home comfortable year-round, and we have the third-party certifications to prove it. If you’re interested in getting a quote or learning more about Earthwise Windows, get in touch with us.
- Holzner, Steven. “Flowing from Hot to Cold: The Second Law of Thermodynamics.” Dummies, 26 Mar. 2016, www.dummies.com/article/academics-the-arts/science/physics/flowing-from-hot-to-cold-the-second-law-of-thermodynamics-174307/.
The article cited is an excerpt from the book 'Physics I For Dummies.'
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