Why Window Condensation Happens in Your Home

Foggy window with flowing water droplets.

As the weather gets cooler, a common occurrence in homes is window condensation. In regions that experience freezing temperatures, this is to be expected in the wintertime. 


When homeowners see window condensation, sometimes they become concerned and think it’s a problem to be fixed. However, this is not always the case. 


Window condensation happens due to a combination of temperature and moisture in the air. When the glass is cold due to low outdoor temperatures, the heat and moisture content inside your home cause condensation to form on the window. 


So, when is window condensation a problem? In this blog post, we’ll review when window condensation is normal, and when it should be addressed.

When Window Condensation Is Normal

As we explained before, window condensation is a normal occurrence due to a combination of temperature differences and moisture content. To easily compare it, it’s the same phenomenon as when your bathroom mirrors fog up after a hot shower. 


In the winter time, your windows are one of the only points of direct contact with the outside. Every other surface, like walls and doors, is much more insulated. Because of the direct contact with the outside, this contrast in temperature between the heated indoor home and the freezing outside causes the moisture in the air inside to collect on the windows. 


If your windows are fogging up on the pane that’s most interior to your home (the one you can touch), then this is not a problem. So, when does it become a problem?

When It Becomes A Problem

Window condensation is a normal occurrence. However, there are circumstances where it can become an issue, depending on the amount of condensation and where it happens. If you regularly experience condensation, it’s always a good idea to do a general check of your home’s moisture levels, to prevent any other serious issues like mold and mildew from forming. Let’s discuss a couple of instances where window condensation is a serious matter. 

There’s Too Much

Some homeowners find that window condensation causes large water droplets to fall and accumulate on their window frames and windowsills. This is an excessive amount of window condensation and can be a problem depending on the windows you have. If you have wood or metal windows, this can cause serious damage such as mold, rotting, and rust. 


To fix this, there is a wide variety of solutions. You can: 

  • Use a dehumidifier inside your home
  • Circulate the air using fans
  • Look into anti-fog window film - it helps evenly disperse the condensation
  • Replace your windows with ones that are well-insulated and have more than one pane

The Condensation Is Between Window Panes

If you notice window condensation and have double or triple-paned windows, but you can’t touch it with your finger, this is a problem. This means that the window condensation is happening between your glass panes, and is indicative of a failed airtight seal. This means all the insulating gas has escaped, and these windows aren’t doing their job. 


Because the insulating gas has escaped, your windows are no longer energy efficient. The air temperatures are much more easily transferable, causing you to lose heat in the winter and cold air in the summer. 


If this is the case, the only solution is to replace your windows with high-quality energy-efficient ones. Your new windows should come with a great warranty as well, so you’re covered if this issue persists.

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Window Condensation

Window condensation is not something you should worry about, generally speaking. However, if your windows fall under the more serious category, Earthwise Windows has you covered. 

Our windows are made with high-quality vinyl that won’t rot, chip, rust, or succumb to mold. Our windows come with advanced insulation technology that guarantees your windows will last for a lifetime. We stand behind our quality, which is why we have the best warranty and certifications in the window industry. To learn more about our windows, get in touch with an Earthwise specialist near you.

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