You’ll Love These 7 Creative Fall Decorations for Your Windows

Various pumpkins, candles and a bouquet in a vase on the windowsill. Autumn decorations.

If you live in a region where the leaves change color come September or October, you’ll know that fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Along with its stunning visuals, it brings a comforting feeling all around. This is the time for cozy sweaters, pumpkin everything, and making our homes feel as beautiful as the season outside.

A creative way to decorate your home for autumn includes your windows, and using them to make the most of your fall decor. 

Whether you’re going for a rustic look, Halloween decoration ideas, or a cozy vibe, these 7 ideas will help your home look and feel like autumn. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore seven ways to make your home windows pop with each look. Keep reading for inspiration!

chrysanthemums  and pumpkins on old white  windowsill in a bright room

Pumpkins in the Windowsill

What is a more quintessential fall decor item than a pumpkin? Probably nothing. You can get creative with this one because there are so many possibilities. At your local farmer’s market, you’ll be able to find pumpkins of all shapes, sizes - all enough to customize this look.

Big pumpkin with burning candle inside in a window with fall and halloween decorations

Showcase Your Jack-O-Lantern

This one is just like our last decor idea, except with a Halloween twist. If you or your family have carved pumpkins (either real or artificial ones with the same look) a great alternative placement for them is displayed in a window. With a candle or light inside, they give off the perfect fall-Halloween feeling. Plus, they get shielded from any potential weather issues!

Autumn wreath entwined with leaves, garlic, berries, pumpkins, mushroom, hanging on the wooden window during sunset.

Fall Wreaths

Wreaths are a great decor item because they can be made for any season, including autumn. They can easily be switched out seasonally. 

Festive halloween decor in the windowsill. There are pumpkins, Jack o lanterns, skulls, bats, cobwebs, spiders, candles and a garland.

Creepy Cobwebs

Are you a Halloween fanatic? You can turn up the spookiness by adding some artificial cobwebs to your windows for that old, haunted house look. 

Beautiful potted chrysanthemum  fall flowers and pumpkins on a windowsill

Brighten Your Space With Fall Flowers

Displaying fall flowers in your windows is a fantastic way to bring the beauty of the season indoors. The vibrant hues of chrysanthemums, marigolds, and sunflowers can instantly brighten up your space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. 

Halloween paper bat decorating window covered with raindrops

Get Creative with Decals

Window decals are fun and easy to put up and remove. They can be easily made at home with paper and tape, which is a great activity for kids. Looking for Halloween decor? Cut out ghosts, bats, or candy corn. Looking for a more general fall look? Cut out leaves or pumpkins. If you’re not feeling creative, you can always get the sticky ones found in stores that easily stick to your windows. 

Autumn composition with golden leaves on a rope garland on the window with raindrops. Autumn layout with leaves of different metal paint on a cord with clothespins. Selective focus.


DIY Leaf Garland

This is another window decor option for you (or your kids) to spark creativity along with a fun activity. Simply go outside and find some leaves, and using a wooden clip, attach them to a piece of twine or string and hang them in the window. This simple and cost-effective craft will remind you of your own creativity every time you look at it!

Make Your Windows Shine This Fall

Your windows are bound to stand out this fall with any of these seven ideas. We hope you found some inspiration! But if your windows are outdated, causing your energy bills to rise, letting drafts in and leaking, this can take away from the fun of decorating them this autumn. 

If this sounds like you and you’re looking for new windows, Earthwise Windows is one of the top vinyl window manufacturers in the USA. There is a local Earthwise dealer near you ready to help you get the windows you need, so get in touch with one today!

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